No Confidence in Man

Scripture Reading - Psalms 118:6-9 KJV

6 The LORD is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me?
7 The LORD taketh my part with them that help me: therefore shall I see my desire upon them that hate me.
8 It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.
9 It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes.

Today’s lesson continues our teaching on the subject of “Leadership”. It would seem that this election surprised many, on the democratic side many were quite perplexed that Hillary didn't win enough of the Electoral College vote of 270 to secure the presidency. Likewise many republicans were very surprised that Donald was able to win in such a dominate fashion. Although this election was a surprise we would like to remind the readers that The Lord was not surprised, nor was He caught off guard. This means that all those who call upon the Name of The Lord shall still be saved, so the promise from God for you living a good life was not based upon the current Presidency or King. We (ihlcc) do recognize the fear of many that this nation is going in the wrong direction if certain people are openly being discriminated against. Many people are expressing those fears through public protest and vocal complaint. However, America's system of selecting a president was honored so we must be honorable people by accepting the results without open public disapproval for the whole system. We do realize in some cases the voice of the people have spoken so we must have an open ear to hear their cry. During this time of hurt for many people who are fearful that their liberties will be removed are a totally different group of people who believed their freedoms were being removed over the last several years but you know what, “God is still on His Throne, so all glory, honor and praise be unto our Heavenly Father and His Precious Son Jesus Christ for ruling over our lives. Amen!” While some are in despair we concurrently see an overwhelming show of happiness of many evangelical Christian. Currently there is a multitude in the church that believes Donald Trump will solve all the current problems in America to make America Great again. I asked one individual what does a great America even look like because America is just the name of a nation of people but the people of any nation will make that nation great or in contrast mediocre. We imagine all the people of America probably see America in a different light depending upon their faith, ethnicity, experiences and environment. We (ihlcc) tend to think that this will not be a brighter world as The Lord draws closer to His Return but quite the opposite. We are expecting for things to grow darker in the worlds system so that the Light of Jesus Christ will shine brighter to those who need Him, and us inlcuded. The key thought we wish to share with all our readers is to “not put confidence in one man or a certain group of men”. Yes, that would include even the president of certain nations or the kings of other nations. We first notice that verse 6 clearly states, “The Lord is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me?” This means we acknowledge that as born-again believers we don’t have to fear the future because when you are a Christian you automatically have a guardian over your life and the lives of your family members who respect you and your God. Yes, we (ihlcc) do wish we could say that God’s covenant will protect everyone but that would not be true. The Lord will show Himself strong on behalf of all those who look to Him for deliverance and safety. As we stated earlier our heart does go out to the many which are afraid but the only viable solution we can recommend would be seeking our Heavenly Father through the person of Jesus Christ so that He alone can show you just how much He loves you and cares for you. Yes, when we keep our eyes upon Jesus we will “not put our confidence in man” because double vision is a heart divided. There are many believers (and unbelievers too) that put their “confidence in men” by proclaiming that this person will make America Great or this president will clean-up Washington (our current government). If you have heard this or even said something to this effect please realize that you are placing your “confidence in man” which also means you are not placing your total confidence in God. Yes, we know it takes God and men working together upon this earth to have God’s Will fulfilled. Therefore, we believe it to be wisdom when you choose to “Watch and Pray” according to Matthew 26:41. In this context our recommendation would be to praise God every day because He alone is worthy of all our praise. Likewise, continue to pray for the President of the United States by asking God for His Divine counsel and wisdom to be in manifestation upon the President and the Vice-President. Yes, lift the leaders of the nation up before God in all humility, praying that the leaders would walk in humility before God also. We know in 1 Timothy 2:1-2 KJV it states, “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.” We must be willing to put our trust in God for three very important reasons: First, that God’s Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Secondly, that the Lord will be able to influence our leaders for good so that we can have a nation of quiet spiritual assurance in heart with public peace between man and man and peace between God and men (woman too) in that nation. Thirdly, it is important for you to understand no matter what other men do or refuse to do God is still your strength, security and salvation in the Name of Jesus. Amen! So please “don’t put any confidence in men” but rather trust in the Lord with all your heart and acknowledge Him in all your ways and He (The Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit) shall direct your paths into brighter and better days. Just remember, dear faith friend, no matter what happens the Son Shall always Come-Up today, tomorrow and forever because our Heavenly Father promised us so, for Jesus is the Light of the world and the joy (health) of our personal countenance (face, expression, attitude). Amen!